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--  作者:周查
--  發佈時間:1/28/2011 2:59:50 AM

--  公共英語三級詞匯結合句型分析
注意的詞語:art of cooking:烹飪術,例:art of defense: 武術。 2、 I’m a very cook. 翻譯為:我是一個絕對的廚師。 3、 Stir the mixture until it leaves sides of the bowl. 翻譯為:與碗邊脫離,即不沾碗邊。引申義:就是要求充分攪勻。 4、 Roll the crust mixture into a round shape. 注意的詞語:roll into: 卷成, 使合為一體。 翻譯為:將外面的蛋糕皮混合物卷成一團。 5、 Yes, the apple pie is ready to serve. 注意的詞語:be ready to: 預備, 即將 翻譯為:是的,蘋果派可以預備用了。公共英語三級考試機構www.000limit.com練習: What should be more French than an outdoor market on a sunny Sunday morning? The air is filled with vital fragrances from the fruits and vegetables piled high in the greengrocers’ creative layouts. A trace of the Atlantic blows off the shellfish on the fishmonger’s bed of ice. This, you think, is the very essence of France, until read those little signs that tell you the tomatoes (which are really pretty tasteless) come from Moroccan hothouses, the grapes from South Africa, and the kiwis from Chile. For generations, the French have prided themselves on their distinctiveness. Nothing has stood for France’s sense of exceptionalism more famously than its cooking. Gallic talent, taste and techniques have been exported all over the world. And therein lies part of the problem. From the Thames to Tokyo, non-French cooks have cracked the codes of the best French cuisine. Meanwhile, what was mediocre elsewhere has been imported. (Believe it or not, one restaurant associate with a famous Paris chef serves steak with a sauce that’s indistinguishable from the stuff on a Big Mac.) The result: many tourists—as well as the French themselves—no longer see what’s so special about French cooking.
--  作者:羚果妤
--  發佈時間:1/28/2011 12:57:07 PM

新?品特?:   1。【清大圣科反??子】使用本气化?。【清大圣科反??子】秸杆不需粉碎。【清大圣科反??子】粗大料。【清大圣科反??子】?料均可使用(如直?23cm。【清大圣科反??子】?50cm以下既可使用)。【清大圣科反??子】   2。【清大圣科反??子】淘汰了?化器。【清大圣科反??子】?料杆。【清大圣科反??子】?气量大火力旺。【清大圣科反??子】操作??。【清大圣科反??子】?气不需?化,直接燃??焦油。【清大圣科反??子】??。【清大圣科反??子】?气量大小可?。【清大圣科反??子】火力旺。【清大圣科反??子】操作??。【清大圣科反??子】(焦油采用巡?燃????理)。【清大圣科反??子】   3。【清大圣科反??子】自?下料。【清大圣科反??子】中?永不?空。【清大圣科反??子】?流巡??。【清大圣科反??子】(即15公分以下?燃??。【清大圣科反??子】周?中?同?燃?。【清大圣科反??子】?气量。【清大圣科反??子】速度是??气化?的6-10倍。【清大圣科反??子】(????(所有)的气化?都是?底部中?送?。【清大圣科反??子】?气慢。【清大圣科反??子】易?空。【清大圣科反??子】)   4。【清大圣科反??子】只要秸杆干燥。【清大圣科反??子】不用排?。【清大圣科反??子】加料?火一分??即可?气使用。【清大圣科反??子】燃???平均值1公斤1小?。【清大圣科反??子】可?料10-38公斤。【清大圣科反??子】  
--  作者:周昌14
--  發佈時間:1/29/2011 12:12:17 AM

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