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-- 作者:賀民 -- 發佈時間:1/16/2011 10:03:31 AM -- 深圳世紀皇庭俱樂部www.szmm0755.info深圳高品質服務 深圳世紀皇庭俱樂部,提供高品質,高素質服務。網址:http://www.szmm0755.info 從成立之初,本中心即致力于打造深圳市最專業、最品質、最舒適的品牌服務,已建立一支高素質、高品位的精英團隊。并為深圳著名的四星、五星級涉外賓館及高檔酒店式公寓提供娛樂咨詢信息。歡迎各位新老顧客來電咨詢! |
-- 作者:何汰 -- 發佈時間:1/16/2011 10:41:24 AM -- |
-- 作者:謝兆 -- 發佈時間:1/16/2011 9:08:16 PM -- 啟航英語名師黃濤點評2011考研大小作文 ——2011年考研英語大小作文審題和參考范文 “年年歲歲題相似,歲歲年年人不同”,這句話最好詮釋了近12年考研英語大作文的特點。2011年1月15日下午的英語考試剛剛落下帷幕,廣大考研學子還要為明天的專業課或數學考試做最后的拼搏。在經歷了從08年連續三年大作文部分比較容易審題之后,今年的考生普遍感覺大小作文和往年一樣難度適中,體現在大家都覺得有話可說。廣大考生只要認真回憶我們啟航強化和沖刺課堂上講授的話題和背誦內容,就會發現此次大小作文命題都是屬于我們課堂上多次反復分析過的圖畫作文主題,及有關推薦信內容模板的寫法。下面來分析一下今年的大小作文,并提供范文供大家參考。 從05年到07年,小作文已經測試過辭職信(道歉信)、請求信和建議信的寫法,08年重考了偏向于與私人交流的道歉信,09年小作文接著又重考了考生對建議信的寫作,2010年測試了告示的寫作。而今年2011年的小作文還是照搬近幾年一貫的出題方式----書信寫作,并沒有測試今年在廣大考生中流傳的摘要的寫法。 2011年的小作文要求給自己的一位朋友寫一封信,推薦一部你自己最喜歡的電影,并給出理由,屬于推薦信的寫法。出題老師并沒有考傳統的求學推薦信,而是結合大學生的實際,要求考生推薦一部值得看的電影,這給考生充分的自由空間,推薦信件具體內容要求考生自由發揮的余地較大,考生可以思考出一些具體內容。這屬于典型的內容加原因分析的寫作手法。其實我們在課堂上多次講到,不管寫什么文章,都要求考生來分析并給出理由。我們可以結合今年的賀歲片來寫,也可以寫經典的電影,理由歸納出三點就行,比如故事情節感人,演員陣容強大;武打效果震撼等等。寫到這些內容需要考生一個扎實的語言基本功,否則只能是望“卷”興嘆,寫不出任何東西。下面是我們提供的一個參考范文。 一.小作文審題與范文 Directions: Write a letter to a friend of yours to 1. recommend one of your favorite movies and 2. give reasons for your recommendation You should write about 100 words on ANSWER SHEET 2. Don’t sign your name at the end of the letter. Use “Li Ming ” instead. Don’t write the address. 小作文范文: Dear my friend, I know you are busy preparing for the Postgraduates’ Entrance Exams, thus you have no time to relax yourself. Recently I have seen a movie entitled Let the Bullets Fly. I strongly recommend that you see it in the coming winter vacation. The reasons for choosing this movie are as follows. To begin with, this hot film has a very powerful cast. I particularly want to tell you that there are a number of your favorite stars such as Zhou Runfa, Ge You and Jiang Wen. In addition, it has a changeable, legendary and fantastic plot which will always attract your attention from the beginning to the end. Above all, the special action and comic effects are breathtaking and appealing, which caters to your tastes. Finally, it is an instructive film which advocates some virtues. I am sure you will appreciate this film. Please remember to tell me your true feelings. Yours ever, Li Ming 二.大作文審題與范文 正如我在啟航沖刺作文課堂上多次反復強調,2011年的大作文還是考了我們所預測的圖畫作文,這是考研歷史上第13次考圖畫作文了。字數要求在160--200詞。圖畫作文往往是一張抽象而意味深長的圖片或漫畫,有時讓人很難理解。今年的圖畫只有一張圖,但主題明顯直接。圖畫中間有一艘船,有幾個游客坐在船上,不停地往河里扔東西,以至于河面漂浮了大量垃圾,圖畫下面還有四個漢字提示:旅游之“余”,這巧妙地用了漢語的諧音字,意思是旅行時留下大量垃圾或亂丟東西,破壞公共場所衛生。這與我在課堂上講到今年考研英語大作文一定會在經過幾年積極話題之后,必考一個消極話題的預測完全一致。 2011年的考生大作文可以從養成良好的公共道德去寫,也可以從要保護我們的公共環境方面去寫,還可以從考生要養成一定的責任心去寫。接下來就要思考出所要寫作的主題詞匯,比如public morality, environmental protection, responsibility of protecting public sanitation等等。這些詞匯都應該在今年的大作文里出現。 考研大作文多年來關注的是對青少年個人思想品德方面的教育,比如:01年要培養愛心;02年要把民族文化發揚光大;03年要學會自立自強;04年要與時俱進;05年要孝敬父母;06年關于偶像崇拜;07年的自信;08的合作與團結,09年人們普遍關心的網絡問題。從中我們可以看得出命題專家們對教育年輕一代的良苦用心。所以我們可以概括出大作文的命題規律是有關青年人成長的問題居多,另外就是社會上的一些熱點或人們普遍關心的話題。這一點對2012年考生作文備考有很大幫助。 在寫大作文時,第一段需要簡短描述圖畫的內容。今年的圖畫中的火鍋travelers, tourist, rubbish, plastic bottles等屬于考生應該掌握的作文基礎詞匯。第二段需要闡釋圖畫寓意,其實就是讓簡單評論或給出理由。最后一段可以結合自己談談看法或體會,也可以談一些應對措施或解決辦法。 【作文思路】 按照我們課堂上的寫作方法,可以這樣來展開描述和議論。第一段為傳統的圖畫描述段,根據圖畫中的具體信息,尤其是下面的文字說明,進行直接描述。比如可以運用我們沖刺課堂上傳授的精彩句型 " Whoever in front of this cartoon/drawing/picture will be greatly impressed. How thought-provoking it seems to be! 或What is vividly illustrated in the painting above is that currently tourists on the boat are continuously throwing away waste bottles into the river, thus destroying or polluting our public environment. (對漫畫籠統地描述)。然后再補上后面的文字解釋說明:“The caption(圖畫中的文字)is indicative of such a phenomenon that a large amount of garbage is left over along the travel/trip. ”屬經典的開頭套話。在描述中,不可缺少的主題相關詞包括" tourists, travel, boat, public environment, ", 等與“公共環境”或“道德意識”有關的詞匯。 第二段要求闡釋漫畫背后所隱藏的深刻社會意義。在這一段首句可以直接采用" Simply designed as the picture is, the symbolic meaning it conveys is deep and profound. It is, most likely, that the drawer intends not only to present the serious behavior to us but also to set us thinking about its real significance。在句型運用方面,可以考慮使用啟航課堂上反復提到的必殺詞組“The foremost and the most striking influence of it is ….,As is universally acknowledged,和What makes things even worse等。 第三段以及第四段可以分析一下原因和闡述自己的一些看法或想法,來采取有效的措施,來使我們的公共環境變得更清潔和美麗。 Sample Writing How impressive the cartoon is in depicting one of the most prevalent social phenomena with regard to protecting natural environment. As is vividly portrayed in the drawing, in the river are floating a number of plastic bottles and cans. Simply designed as the drawing seems to be, the author’s real purpose is to arouse our awareness of environmental protection. The drawer of this painting is conveying to us a scene of lacking awareness of public environmental protection. In these travelers’ eyes, such careless disposal of garbage need not cause too much people’s worry as well as anxiety. It holds self-evident that these folks lack an essential responsibility of safeguarding sanitation in public. Listed below are the major causes. For one thing, they contend that public places deserve no attention and effort of sanitary protection. For another, their casual attitude gives rise to the fact that they don’t care about what they are doing to the public areas. For our part, as civilized citizens of the 21st century, we should take an initiative to protect our public sanitation. Such petty behaviors, though less eye-catching, are as important as those big deeds. If we strive to protect our surroundings, we’ll have a clean and beautiful environment. Only when we pay attention to it can we make our environment cleaner and more beautiful. |