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Alone, head of the sand, the club''s the desert sand on %B4%AB%C6%E6%CB%BD%B7%FE the broken walls, and set out, the more he is withered from... that... i can , there have been half a month the club again. only some people still in tucheng hurry, peddlers  %D0%C2%BF%AA%B4%AB%C6%E6%CB%BD%B7%FE still in the purchasers, as if nothing had happened. however, in everyone''s heart, %CE%D2%B1%BE%B3%C1%C4%ACAnd more or less to think of something. if once again the daily to live in dreams, more and more people can see, there are many %CF%C9%BD%A3%B4%AB%C6%E6%CB%BD%B7%FE with a knife, rust... that... "sabac, fighting, what''s the point of......" slight booziness caused, s%B7%A2%B2%BC%CD%F8 accompanied by murmurs of vodka, and soon melted away in the silent the wind. this day every day, and repeated, with the war in the day away. till one day, from where i came a strange %B4%AB%C6%E6%CB%BD%B7%FE. He grow ragged  %B4%AB%C6%E6%CD%E2%B4%AB%CB%BD%B7%FE and, after a manner. in the club every day, and passing travellers of a lot, and will not attract much attention. %B8%B4%B9%C5%B4%AB%C6%E6%CB%BD%B7%FE  just do not think that this strange man had the sand has the door of the ruins, a is three days!  sleepless eremite, a donkey, until the  %B1%E4%CC%AC%B4%AB%C6%E6%CB%BD%B7%FE dust screen his eyes, obscuring his hair. for three days after the ruins , were the curiosity at the strange man, and the news of him to bring back tucheng, 1.76%B4%AB%C6%E6%CB%BD%B7%FE"He is a beggar? i gave him a piece of gold" "he''s not have! even sitting positions are the same" "" that "… … days and nights, he at last to wink with one of  %B4%AB%C6%E6%CB%BD%B7%FE the thick eyelashes, powder, as if from a deep in contemplation to wake up.
發貼IP已設置保密 2010-12-16 17:50
給白岸發送一個短消息 把白岸加入好友 查看白岸的個人資料 搜索白岸在的所有貼子 點擊這裡發送電郵給白岸 引用回復這個貼子 回復這個貼子 2
發貼IP已設置保密 2010-12-16 23:39

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