標題:2011年全國碩士研究生入學統一考試英語(二)大作文 |
等級:新手上路 文章:32 積分:322 註冊:2011-01-12 |
2011年全國碩士研究生入學統一考試英語(二)大作文 啟航教育 商志 What can be clearly seen from the chart above is the proportion of cars sold in domestic market. In general, the figures reveal that the percentage of China-made autos increased from 25 percent in 2008 to nearly 35 percent in 2009, while Japan-made cars ran in the opposite direction. Notably, the percentage of U.S.-made cars remained at about 15% stably during that period.
What on earth can be learned from this chart? Studying it further, we may find that simple as it appears, what the illustrator actually aim to convey is by no means simple ----- home-made autos are becoming increasingly popular among domestic consumers. Indeed, the past couple of years has witnessed an marked rise of the quality of China-made cars. Extensive studies show that cars of foreign brands make up a falling percentage of the market share.
It should be observed, of course, that home-made products will enjoy a much higher proportion in both domestic and overseas market. I am confident that so long as the whole society make substantial and sustainable efforts, our country will surely be better.
2011-01-16 22:05 |
等級:新手上路 文章:26 積分:267 註冊:2011-01-08 |
本報訊 (記者[url=http://www.szxmcw.com/]劉曉星[/URL])因受體彩中心下屬一網點空打彩票2900萬元造成國家損失2775萬元所累,廣東省體彩中心主任麥良被控玩忽職守罪。在被關押了591天、一審被判處有期徒刑3年6個月后,[url=http://www.szxmcw.com/]麥良[/URL]終審被無罪釋放。
[url=http://www.szxmcw.com/]麥良提出羈押天數應從2007年3月14日起計至2008年10月24日[/URL],共591天。兩賠償義務機關從2007年3月15日起計認定麥良被錯誤羈押590天有誤,應糾正。于是廣州中院賠償委員會決定,兩賠償義務機關應賠償麥良人身自由賠償金總額為74129.13元(125.43 ×591天),兩機關各承擔一半賠償責任。
2011-01-17 02:01 |