1:16 我不以福音為恥;這福音本是神的大能,要救一切相信的,先是猶太人,後是希利尼人。
A: 這福音本是神的大能 What is 本是神的大能? Is it 神100%的主動?
B: 要救一切相信的 What is 一切相信的? Is it 人100%的相信?
C: What is A+B ?
How can it be 100%+100%=100%? 在人不能,在神凡事都能,因為本是神的大能 :-). The question is realy not aboput HOW HE DID IT, rather about Do you have the FAITH in HOWEVER HE DID IT, and hence he 要救一切相信的.
And because of 神的大能, 我不以福音為恥 even though I still don't know HOW HE DID IT:-) 萬維 |