圣诞颂歌 John Rutter 是英国著名的圣歌作词作曲家,指挥家,出版家等,他的一生谱写了许多宗教颂歌,这几天听到的许多圣诞颂歌,不少是他谱写的,其中我最喜欢听Angel's Carol c,旋律歌词是如此优美,让人感慨。。。 /法国薰衣草
聖言中心賴牧師談「復興四大要訣」 美國聖言資源中心會長賴若瀚牧師主講溫哥華頌恩堂培靈會,他深刻而透徹的講道帶給信徒眾多啟發,挑旺弟兄姊妹復興之火。
He said that many Christians believed the main for a long time, there will be a "Lao Youtiao" mentality, I feel a lot of things were tried, but life is still very dry; Although the rich want to live the life of ecstasy, but did not mention energetically.
Pui Ling meeting, Lai faithful pastor to explain a few basic principles of life, rejuvenation, helping you to regain the beginning of love. He said the revival is tantamount to update, but it does not mean that revivalism. What is the difference between the two then? He explained that revivalism is the pursuit of revival phenomena, such as the gathering enjoyed, shouting, crying, rolling land and so on, but there is no inner life changes. He reiterated that we do not object to the revival of the phenomenon, but opposed to the pursuit of these phenomena as the goal.
Lai pastor to 2 Chronicles 7 chapters 13-14 as the theme verse, talking about the lives of followers was a renaissance of the four principles of the scriptures is also the source used by the U.S. National Day of Prayer theme. He noted that rehabilitation is the primary condition for the advent of self-esteem in the face of God, this is also a leader of the most important characteristics. When we humble before God, down time, to see God's holiness and his own sins pollution.
The second is to pray, this is the most basic beliefs of life, it is also the most important part of it. Lai said the pastor, prayer is the effective time, but why the church prayer meeting today, no one participate? He said that he had been involved in a church prayer meetings, praying the prayer of the listed items out of a 1, and then by pressing the order of prayer, for many believers, it seems like another job, so do not show up.
Therefore, he personally led the prayers of the church for two months at the meeting joined the praise of the elements of worship, so that believers in the worship of the first to be updated, full of strength and then pray a result, the number of prayers would be a very significant growth. "Our lives are the priority, if the cross based on the worship of the top left and right sides is the grace and truth, the bottom is the work." He said.
Third, the revival of the need to seek God's face. Pastor Lai admits that today many believers come to church only to find personal satisfaction and enjoyment, just want to hear the pastor talk about a number of incentives and comfort the people of the Tao, is not to seek God's will. However, this spiritual life of believers will not grow. Therefore, we should always remember to seek God's standard is our faith in mind.
Finally, we must turn away from evil. Pastor Lai pointed out that the revival of the fundamental is to plead guilty to repent. He then reminded the congregation, revival is God's act can not be manufactured, like kite-flying, as the first condition is to have the right kite structure, but is still flying with the wind in order to afford it, God's work as well.
"The Church is the revival of the sky from me, if the promising revival of the church put on a prayer group, then the recovery will not be very far away from us. As long as the revival of the church together, then, the original cold, sleep, frustrated followers will stand up, so that the Church only hope. "Lai pastor concluded.
/Portia 無為︰國慶就像是一場戲 | | 2009年10月05日 [彩虹之約] 萬維 | | 國慶就像是一場戲,很多人都真情感動著, 也有很多人是冷靜地欣賞,有的人根本就不屑欣賞,他們根據自己的經歷,看到了背後的虛假/欺騙性質的內容。 那些感動著的人們,有的是因為感情脆弱,忘記了過去的經歷,等到回家一想,該演戲的時候演習,該生活的時候還是實際點好。他們是不會那麼容易被騙的。 絕大多數真情感動的是年青的孩子們,他們真的相信祖國強大了,但是他們有為祖國獻身的精神準備嗎? 這就需要驕傲的“榮譽”感來支撐了。美國也有這樣的教育,這樣的驕傲才可以讓人為國家獻身,擰在一起,就是美國向全世界表現的強大。 總的來講,是驕傲和狹隘自私導致戰爭/沖突,而不是因為戰爭導致人驕傲狹隘,甚至五味的沖突也是如此。 戰爭的直接後果就是毀壞,絕大多數人物質生活受到了影響,生命被藐視,只有幾少數人可以從中學習。這本身就是災難,和大自然的災難是一樣的。通過災難,人們又變得謙卑,學會互相幫助/包容,團結一致,去戰勝敵人。最終那些驕傲的人都消失了,有的是被現實改變了,有的是死去了,人們才慢慢明白本來不需要戰爭。兵器總是凶險的。 中國究竟現在需要不需要 這場場面宏大的演出? 人說是展示自己的強大,讓人民有歸屬感,減少內部矛盾,同時也威懾周邊小國,不要無事生非。譬如說朝鮮,立即就給了溫家寶足夠的面子,里子究竟如何還不是太清楚。 愚昧的人民如果一味地迎合這種驕傲的口味,最後上戰場的自然還是人民。經歷艱苦的人,如果思想狹隘,那就如同干柴,誰要是影響了他們的名利,他們必然被各種斗爭的火花點燃。這狹隘就是來自于狹隘的民族主義,以及各種“天天向上”的愚民教育。 他們的復仇是殘忍的,毫不留情的。 人民如果沒有謙卑/包容的大局精神,只有虛無縹緲的驕傲的“民族大局”,自然免不了在現實生活中 各持己見,互不相讓,這樣一來依靠激情維持的團結的假象也是不真實的。 最好的結果就是在真理里面團結一致,我看沒有一個國家/組織可以做到。 其次就是在和敵人的斗爭中,因為利益關系團結起來。 最差的結果是面對敵人一盤散沙,如同印度的軍隊。 |