(When it comes to comparing China with India) The surprise winner is India, which despite its red tape, corruption, and inefficient politics will grow faster than China both per capita and in overall terms, both banks (HSBC and Standard Chartered) project. China's topline GDP growth will be inhibited by its one-child policy, which will cause its working-age population to shrink starting in the 2020s decade, says HSBC. India's working age population will grow throughout the forecast period, the bank predicts, ...
翻译:HSBC 和 Standard Chartered这两个世界著名银行预计,印度社会虽然有腐败和过多的条条框框,但未来经济在总体和人均方面都会超过中国。原因很简单,中国的独生子女政策会使中国劳动人口在2020开始大量减少。而印度的劳动人口将会在未来一直增长。
Forbes Feb 12, 2011, Page 16: Measuring America's Foes
....Looking ahead to the midcentury we can foresee certain welcome adjustments. By 2050 China's population, while expected to be around 1.4 billion, will probably be dropping and have an aging profile. The U.S. population will be more than 400 million, be steadily rising and have a more youthful profile. It's possible, though unlikely, that by then China's GNP will be larger than America's, but in every other respect the U.S. economy will be well ahead, especially in high tech.