Fifty Shades of Grey
Stayed up until 4am. Woke up at 9am to continue and read straight through (ecstatically) until it was done. I’m fifty shades of obsessed with this. I just finished this MOST AWESOME book, one that will DEFINITELY make my next “top list”, and I can’t stop thinking about it (BTW: all the quotes below, come from only the first 19% of the book. Can you imagine how much more there will be!!?)
And I gotta thank the one who recommended it to me by saying…
“Hey woman. You have to read ‘Fifty Shades of Grey’ … I could not put this one down and I am still lamenting over the story in my head.”
She’d been recommending it for a couple of weeks now. Then she said the magic word (cause I was yet again, pining over a favorite hero):
“Wait until you read Fifty Shades – then you’ll be measuring Travis against Christian Grey. Talk about tortured hero.”
Now THAT got my attention. Hey! A girl’s gotta read what a girl’s gotta read, and we all know what kind of hero I like. So I read it, and LOVED it to death!! And now that I’d finally settled into it, she was nowhere to be found. So I sent her some reactionary, one-sided emails. My gasping moments. My heartaches. My confusion. My realizations.
T!! Where are you!? I. Am. LONEEEELYYY. I miss them!! I want more.
But I lucked out! Book #2 (Fifty Shades Darker) has just recently been released (and thank goodness for that considering the “cliffhanger” of sorts at the end of this one). How cruel for all of you that had to wait! Lucky I don’t have to. Except I hear there is a book#3 on the way which now has me nervous that book #2 will try to kill me like book one did.
So what’s the book about, you ask?
Ana is unfortunately volunteered to help her best friend with a newspaper article, by interviewing the elusive, rich and powerful, Christian Grey. Unfortunately? Well sorta. Because had her friend not asked her to do this, she would never have met Christian, and she wouldn’t be caught in this predicament (this mutual infatuation) with someone she deems so completely out of her league. But Christian can’t get his mind off of Ana once she leaves. What he wants, he gets. And while she’s not his typical choice (he only associates with those already in his lifestyle – Lifestyle? I’m getting to that ), there’s just something about Ana that calls to him. And ditto for Ana. She knows better then to entertain the thought of dating someone so pompous and seemingly as cold as Christian, but she is drawn to him like a moth to a flame.
“… you were looking up at me all ‘kiss me, kiss me, Christian’,” he pauses and shrugs slightly, “I felt I owed you an apology and a warning.” He runs his hand through his hair. “Anastasia, I’m not a hearts and flowers kind of man, I don’t do romance. My tastes are very singular. You should steer clear of me.” He closes his eyes as if in defeat. “There’s something about you, though, and I’m finding it impossible to stay away. But I think you’ve figured that out already.”
My appetite vanishes. He can’t stay away!
“Then don’t,” I whisper.
He gasps, his eyes wide.
“You don’t know what you’re saying.”
And Christian does try to resist his desire for her. He knows better than to open his world to someone so innocent. Because of who he is, emotionally, he’s certain that he couldn’t ever give her what she wants out of life. He can’t give her “normal”.
I let the irrational tears fall unrestrained. I am crying over the loss of something I never had. How ridiculous. Mourning something that never was – my dashed hopes, dashed dreams, and my soured expectations.
But he just can’t stay away. Yup, he pretty much stalks her. No worries, there is comedic relief in her reactions to him (and his stalker-ish ways) that will make you chuckle, even while you’re cringing.
He pulls up to my duplex. I belatedly realize he’s not even asked me where I live – yet he knows. But then he sent the books; of course he knows where I live. What able, cell-phone-tracking, helicopter-owning stalker wouldn’t.
I LOVED ALL OF THE CHARACTERS in this book. All of ‘em. The friends, the employees, the families. The hero – Christian Grey (but of course!!), and especially the heroine, Anastasia Steele (Ana). She didn’t irritate me not one bit, not ever. Everything she thought, I would have thought. Everything she said I would have said. All of her insecurities, her apprehensions, TOTALLY me. I get her. I bonded with her. I felt her elation when things were good, and I felt her pain when things got rough (well, emotionally, and thank goodness I didn’t have to feel it physically).
“Are you going to continue to scold me?”
“Is that what I’m doing?”
“I think so.”
“You’re lucky I’m just scolding you.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, if you were mine, you wouldn’t be able to sit down for a week after the stunt you pulled yesterday.”
And there’s that lifestyle thing I was talking about earlier. Yes, it’s *that* type of book folks. A non-submissive, fairly independent girl falling for a “Dom” guy. BUT, surprisingly, as much as the book seems like it might revolve around this alternative lifestyle, it doesn’t only focus on it. But listen, it’s not what you think. It’s so much more. Her “more”. Not necessarily his “more” (you’ll get what all this “more” business is, when you read the book).
I mean, Christian isn’t all that he appears to be. Outwardly, he’s all discipline and order. Power and control. But what happens when Christian starts breaking his own rules?
Despite the alternative lifestyle, this story was still the kind I could (and wanted) to relate to. It is about self-discovery, healing, compromise and connection. There is life in this book, outside of the bedroom, and in fact, there are even tons of “vanilla moments” to make the harder stuff go down easier for some of us who might be apprehensive with these kinds of “scenes”.
For example: the heroine is nowhere NEAR interested in the lifestyle, so I was completely able to experience her trepidation perfectly, with her.
“Say something,” Christian commands, his voice deceptively soft.
“Do you do this to people or do they do it to you?”
His life, however, revolves around it, and she comes to realize quickly, that he has some very specific needs. He has issues. Serious issues. And she has serious reservations about submitting so completely. Yet I understood her reluctance and her desire to accept his… “fifty shades”
“You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. You know that don’t you?” His tone is so earnest, desperate even, his grey eyes impassioned. He takes me by surprise.
“I’d never do anything I didn’t want to do, Christian.” And as I say the words, I don’t quite feel their conviction because at this moment in time I’d probably do anything for this man seated beside me.
So… you ask. Who IS this guy, anyway? His name is Christian Grey. A self-made ruthless, filthy-rich, business tycoon (in his late 20′s), who gets what he wants, when he wants how he wants it, always.
“You sound like a control freak.” The words were out of my mouth before I can stop them.
“Oh, I exercise control in all things, Miss. Steele,” he says without a trace of humor in his smile. I look at him, and holds my gaze steadily, impassive. My heartbeat quickens, and my face flushes again.
He’s always in control. In business, in personal, in love. Wait. Christian doesn’t do “love”. Not our kind of love, anyway. His version is very physical, very hard, and can be painful (depending on how good of a “submissive” you are to him. And that’s only if he chooses you). Who wants that, you ask? Who wants to be “chosen” for that kind of… ummm…. love? Well after reading this book. Maybe you would. Shocked? Appalled. Titillated?
Ohhhh believe me, girls. Even if you don’t comprehend this lifestyle choice (I admit, I remain baffled), you’ll still find yourself pining for Christian. Consequences be damned. You will. And if you don’t.. well *shrug* I dunno Maybe it’s just me?

David Williams rugby player made a great "Christian Grey" in my head. Sorry David It couldn't be helped. You've got that "Fifty Shades" look, and I needed to share.
Mind you, it was hard. I was at serious odds with myself!! There were a few jaw dropping moments that had me slightly… okay. Simply put. Horrified. Angrified. I was all… OMG NO WAY! Kinda hate him.
Wanna see what he looks like to me? Muscular, gorgeous with tousled copper hair. Come on. Now tell me you wouldn’t contemplate *maybe*… tee hee!!! ——> LOOK!!! (BTW – thank you Jane for that very special email featuring this very handsome sports star). What a coincidence that you send me a gorgeous copper-haired male, and that evening, I started a book featuring one It was meant to be…
Oh yes. There will be reading moments of pure, unadulterated glee. Their amazingly fun email interactions, their easy-going banter, sweet moments, insight into how well their personalities match despite their very different needs. A friendship evolves, regardless of the “elephant in the room”.
But it can, and will get dark. This book DOES deal with some terribly sensitive subject matter. You’ll experience uncomfortable moments. You’ll occasionally be appalled, and even outraged at his “methods”, his harsh tones, and his explanation of who he is and what he expects of those in his entourage. Especially her.
Don’t let that scare you though. Just do yourself a favor, if you’re in the mood for that *love-adrenaline* feeling, and an intense, tortured, but unbelievably gorgeous, alpha-male, keep an open mind for this one. Christian’s own torture runs deep. It’ll keep you on your toes, trying to guess where it’s taking you. It is just plain amazing. A+. 5 stars. One of my favorites, to be sure.
This is another case of “just go with it”. Don’t think too much. It’s just so much fun *feeling* along this dark (and sometimes light) path, with Ana. The euphoria (lots of it), the worry, the self-reflection, the delicious, addictive angst. The choices. Oh yes. There are always choices. He may be a Dom, but who is really in control here? Right. Just remember that.
“Okay, and what do I get out of this?”
He shrugs and looks almost apologetic.
“Me,” he says simply.
Interested in the series? —> E.L. James – Fifty Shades Trilogy Reading Order
书评 - 由El詹姆斯50灰色阴影
Fifty Shades of Grey 50灰色阴影
Stayed up until 4am.熬夜直到凌晨4点。 Woke up at 9am to continue and read straight through (ecstatically) until it was done.上午九时醒来继续和直读(欣喜若狂),直到它被做。 I'm fifty shades of obsessed with this.我五十痴迷与此阴影。 I just finished this MOST AWESOME book, one that will DEFINITELY make my next “top list”, and I can't stop thinking about it (BTW: all the quotes below, come from only the first 19% of the book. Can you imagine how much more there will be!!?)我刚刚完成这个最真棒书,一定会把我的下一个“顶部的列表”,我无法停止思考(顺便说一句:所有以下的报价,来自只有19%的书,你能。想象如何更会有!)
And I gotta thank the one who recommended it to me by saying…和我要感谢谁建议说给我一...
“Hey woman. “嘿女人。 You have to read 'Fifty Shades of Grey' … I could not put this one down and I am still lamenting over the story in my head.”你有读“五十灰色阴影'......我无法忍受这一轮下来,我仍然在感叹,在我脑海中的故事。”
She'd been recommending it for a couple of weeks now.她建议现在几个星期。 Then she said the magic word (cause I was yet again, pining over a favorite hero):然后她说这个神奇的词(因为我又一次,在一个最喜爱的英雄渴望):
“Wait until you read Fifty Shades – then you'll be measuring Travis against Christian Grey. “等待,直到你读五十灯罩 - 然后你会被反对基督教灰色测量特拉维斯。 Talk about tortured hero.”谈谈关于折磨的英雄。“
Now THAT got my attention. 现在得到了我的注意。 Hey!嘿! A girl's gotta read what a girl's gotta read, and we all know what kind of hero I like.一个女孩的要读什么一个女孩的要读,大家都知道我喜欢什么样的英雄。 So I read it, and LOVED it to death!!所以,我读它,喜欢它到死!! And now that I'd finally settled into it, she was nowhere to be found.现在,我终于把它解决的是,她是无处可寻。 So I sent her some reactionary, one-sided emails.所以我给她一些反动的,片面的电子邮件。 My gasping moments.我喘息的时刻。 My heartaches.我的心痛。 My confusion.我的困惑。 My realizations.我的体会。
T!! Where are you!? 牛逼!你在哪里!? I. Am.一上午。 LONEEEELYYY. LONEEEELYYY。 I miss them!!我很想念他们! I want more.我想要更多。
But I lucked out!但我幸运了! Book #2 ( Fifty Shades Darker ) has just recently been released (and thank goodness for that considering the “cliffhanger” of sorts at the end of this one).书#2( 五十灯罩深 )最近刚刚被释放(考虑在这个月底的各种各样的“扣人心弦”,并感谢善良)。 How cruel for all of you that had to wait!如何残酷,你不得不等待! Lucky I don't have to.幸运,我没有到。 Except I hear there is a book#3 on the way which now has me nervous that book #2 will try to kill me like book one did.除非我听到有书上的方式,现在我紧张,这本书将尝试#2杀一人一书没有像我#3。
So what's the book about, you ask?所以这本书,你问什么?
Ana is unfortunately volunteered to help her best friend with a newspaper article, by interviewing the elusive, rich and powerful, Christian Grey.安娜不幸的是自愿帮助她最好的朋友,与报纸上的文章,通过面试难以捉摸,丰富和强大,基督教灰色。 Unfortunately?不幸的是吗? Well sorta.以及八九不离十。 Because had her friend not asked her to do this, she would never have met Christian, and she wouldn't be caught in this predicament (this mutual infatuation) with someone she deems so completely out of her league.因为有了她的朋友问她这样做,她永远不会满足的基督徒,她就不会陷入这种困境,有人因此她认为完全是出于她的联赛(这种相互迷恋)。 But Christian can't get his mind off of Ana once she leaves.但基督徒不能得到安娜他的心,一旦她离开。 What he wants, he gets. ,他得到他想要的东西。 And while she's not his typical choice (he only associates with those already in his lifestyle – Lifestyle? I'm getting to that而她不是他的典型的选择(他只联营公司与那些已经在他的生活方式- ?生活中,我得到该 ), there's just something about Ana that calls to him. ),只是有关于安娜的事情,他呼吁。 And ditto for Ana.和全日空同上。 She knows better then to entertain the thought of dating someone so pompous and seemingly as cold as Christian, but she is drawn to him like a moth to a flame.她知道,然后更好地招待约会有人这么浮夸和基督教看似如冷的思想,但她提请他像火焰蛾。
“… you were looking up at me all 'kiss me, kiss me, Christian',” he pauses and shrugs slightly, “I felt I owed you an apology and a warning.” He runs his hand through his hair. “......你看着我,所有的”亲亲我,亲亲我,基督教“,”他停顿略有耸耸肩,“我觉得我欠你一个道歉和一个警告。”他贯穿他的手,他的头发。 “Anastasia, I'm not a hearts and flowers kind of man, I don't do romance. “阿纳斯塔西娅,我不是一个心灵和人的花样,我不会做的浪漫。 My tastes are very singular.我的口味是十分奇异。 You should steer clear of me.” He closes his eyes as if in defeat.你应该避开我清楚。“他闭上他的眼睛,仿佛战败。 “There's something about you, though, and I'm finding it impossible to stay away. “有你的东西,不过,我发现它不可能远离。 But I think you've figured that out already.”但我认为你已经想通了已经。“
My appetite vanishes. He can't stay away!我的胃口就消失了。 他不能远离!
“Then don't,” I whisper. “那么不这样做,”我耳语。
He gasps, his eyes wide.他喘着气,他的眼睛。
“You don't know what you're saying.” “你不知道你在说什么。”
And Christian does try to resist his desire for her.和基督教的尝试抗拒他对她的渴望。 He knows better than to open his world to someone so innocent.他知道更好,而不是打开他的世界那么无辜的人。 Because of who he is, emotionally, he's certain that he couldn't ever give her what she wants out of life.因为他是谁,在感情上,他是一定的,他不能给她她想要的东西,生活。 He can't give her “normal”.他不能给她的“正常”。
I let the irrational tears fall unrestrained.我让不合理的眼泪掉下来奔放。 I am crying over the loss of something I never had. How ridiculous .我哭了我从未有过的东西损失。 多么可笑 。 Mourning something that never was – my dashed hopes, dashed dreams, and my soured expectations.莫宁的东西,从来都不是 - 我的希望破灭,破灭的梦想,我的恶化的预期。
But he just can't stay away.但他就不能远离。 Yup, he pretty much stalks her.是啊,他几乎捕她。 No worries, there is comedic relief in her reactions to him (and his stalker-ish ways) that will make you chuckle, even while you're cringing.无后顾之忧,有喜剧救济她的反应,他(和他的死缠烂打ISH方法),这将使你的轻笑,甚至当你畏缩。
He pulls up to my duplex.他拉起我的双工。 I belatedly realize he's not even asked me where I live – yet he knows.为时已晚,我意识到,他甚至没有问我,我住的地方 - 但他知道。 But then he sent the books; of course he knows where I live.但随后他送的书,当然他知道我住的地方。 What able, cell-phone-tracking, helicopter-owning stalker wouldn't.什么能,手机追踪,直升机拥有死缠烂打不会。
I LOVED ALL OF THE CHARACTERS in this book.我喜欢在这本书中的所有字符。 All of 'em.所有的'时间。 The friends, the employees, the families.朋友,员工,家属。 The hero – Christian Grey (but of course!!), and especially the heroine, Anastasia Steele (Ana).英雄 - 基督教灰色(当然!),尤其是女主角,阿纳斯塔西娅斯蒂尔(ANA)。 She didn't irritate me not one bit, not ever.她不刺激我一点不,不会。 Everything she thought, I would have thought.她想的一切,我本来以为。 Everything she said I would have said.她说的一切,我会说。 All of her insecurities, her apprehensions, TOTALLY me.她的不安全感,她的疑虑,我完全。 I get her.我得到了她。 I bonded with her.我与她的保税。 I felt her elation when things were good, and I felt her pain when things got rough (well, emotionally, and thank goodness I didn't have to feel it physically).我觉得她兴高采烈的事情时,我感觉到她的痛苦,当事情变得粗糙(很好,情绪,谢天谢地,我没有觉得身体)。
“Are you going to continue to scold me?” “你打算继续骂我吗?”
“Is that what I'm doing?” “是,我在做什么?”
“I think so.” “我想是这样。”
“You're lucky I'm just scolding you.” “你很幸运,我只是骂你。”
“What do you mean?” “你是什么意思?”
“Well, if you were mine, you wouldn't be able to sit down for a week after the stunt you pulled yesterday.” “嗯,如果你是我的,你将不能够坐在一个星期后,昨天你拉的特技。”
And there's that lifestyle thing I was talking about earlier.还有这种生活方式我早些时候所说的事情。 Yes, it's *that* type of book folks.是的,它是*,*类型的书乡亲。 A non-submissive, fairly independent girl falling for a “Dom” guy.属于非顺从,相当独立的女孩“大教堂”的家伙。 BUT, surprisingly, as much as the book seems like it might revolve around this alternative lifestyle, it doesn't only focus on it.但是,令人惊讶的是,尽可能书看起来可能会围绕这种替代的生活方式,它不仅集中。 But listen, it's not what you think.但是听着,这是不是你想的。 It's so much more .这是这么多 。 Her “more”.她的“多”。 Not necessarily his “more” (you'll get what all this “more” business is, when you read the book).不一定是他的“多”(你会得到这一切的“多”业务是什么,当你读这本书)。
I mean, Christian isn't all that he appears to be.我的意思是,不是所有的基督徒是,他似乎是。 Outwardly, he's all discipline and order.从表面上看,他是所有的纪律和秩序。 Power and control.权力和控制。 But what happens when Christian starts breaking his own rules?但会发生什么时,基督教开始打破自己的规则?
Despite the alternative lifestyle, this story was still the kind I could (and wanted) to relate to.尽管这个故事的另类生活方式,仍然是我(通缉)有关。 It is about self-discovery, healing, compromise and connection.它是关于自我发现,愈合,妥协和连接。 There is life in this book, outside of the bedroom, and in fact, there are even tons of “vanilla moments” to make the harder stuff go down easier for some of us who might be apprehensive with these kinds of “scenes”.在这本书里是有生命的,卧室外,事实上,甚至还有“香草的时刻”,以更强硬的东西下去,我们中的一些人可能与这些“幕后”的各种担心容易吨。
For example: the heroine is nowhere NEAR interested in the lifestyle, so I was completely able to experience her trepidation perfectly, with her.例如:女主角是隔靴搔痒的生活方式感兴趣,所以我完全能够体验到与她的完美,她诚惶诚恐。
“Say something,” Christian commands, his voice deceptively soft. “说,”基督教的命令,他的声音看似柔软。
“Do you do this to people or do they do it to you?” “你这样做的人或他们这样做给你吗?”
His life, however, revolves around it, and she comes to realize quickly, that he has some very specific needs.然而,他的生活,围绕着它,她还是很快意识到,他有一些非常具体的需求。 He has issues.他有问题。 Serious issues.严重的问题。 And she has serious reservations about submitting so completely.她提交等完全有严重保留。 Yet I understood her reluctance and her desire to accept his… “fifty shades”然而,我明白了她的不情愿和她的愿望,接受他的......“五十色调”
“You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. “你没有做任何你不想做的事。 You know that don't you?” His tone is so earnest, desperate even, his grey eyes impassioned.你知道,不是吗?“他的语气是那么认真,甚至绝望,他灰色的眼睛慷慨激昂。 He takes me by surprise.他把我的惊喜。
“I'd never do anything I didn't want to do, Christian.” And as I say the words, I don't quite feel their conviction because at this moment in time I'd probably do anything for this man seated beside me. “我从来没有做任何事情,我不想做,基督教,”正如我说的话,我相当不觉得自己的信念,因为在这个时刻,我可能会做任何这名男子坐在旁边我。
So… you ask.所以......你问。 Who IS this guy, anyway? His name is Christian Grey.这家伙是谁呢? 他的名字是基督教灰色。 A self-made ruthless, filthy-rich, business tycoon (in his late 20′s), who gets what he wants, when he wants how he wants it, always.自制的无情,肮脏的丰富,商业大亨(在20年代后期),谁得到他想要的东西,当他想他想要怎样,总是如此。
“You sound like a control freak.” The words were out of my mouth before I can stop them. “你听起来像一个控制狂。”的话,我的嘴之前,我可以阻止他们。
“Oh, I exercise control in all things, Miss. Steele,” he says without a trace of humor in his smile. “哦,我在所有的事情行使控制,斯蒂尔小姐,”他说,没有一丝幽默在他的笑容。 I look at him, and holds my gaze steadily, impassive.我看着他,握着我的目光,稳步推进,面无表情。 My heartbeat quickens, and my face flushes again.我的心跳加快,我的脸再次刷新。
He's always in control.他总是在控制。 In business, in personal, in love.在企业,个人,爱情。 Wait.等待。 Christian doesn't do “love”.基督教没有做“爱”。 Not our kind of love, anyway.不是我们的一种爱,反正。 His version is very physical, very hard, and can be painful (depending on how good of a “submissive” you are to him. And that's only if he chooses you).他的版本是很物理,很辛苦的,可以是痛苦的(取决于你是他的“顺从”的好。而这只有当他选择你)。 Who wants that, you ask?你会问,谁愿意? Who wants to be “chosen” for that kind of… ummm….谁愿意被“钦点”的那种......嗯.... love?爱? Well after reading this book.读完这本书后。 Maybe you would.也许你会。 Shocked?震惊吗? Appalled.感到震惊。 Titillated? Titillated?
Ohhhh believe me, girls. ohhhh相信我,女孩。 Even if you don't comprehend this lifestyle choice (I admit, I remain baffled), you'll still find yourself pining for Christian.即使你不理解这种生活方式的选择(我承认,我仍然感到困惑),你仍然发现自己为基督徒的渴望。 Consequences be damned.后果被定罪。 You will.你会的。 And if you don't..如果你不...... well *shrug* I dunno *耸肩*我不知道 Maybe it's just me?也许这只是我吗?

David Williams rugby player made a great "Christian Grey" in my head.大卫威廉姆斯的橄榄球运动员在我脑海中的一个伟大的“基督教灰色”。 Sorry David对不起大卫 It couldn't be helped.它不能帮助。 You've got that "Fifty Shades" look, and I needed to share.你已经有了“第五十灯罩”的样子,和我分享。
Mind you, it was hard.提醒你,这是很难的。 I was at serious odds with myself!!我是用我自己!严重的赔率! There were a few jaw dropping moments that had me slightly… okay.有几个颚下降的时刻,我稍微有...好吧。 Simply put.简而言之。 Horrified.吓坏了。 Angrified. Angrified。 I was all… OMG NO WAY!我是...... OMG无办法! Kinda hate him.有点恨他。
Wanna see what he looks like to me?想看到什么,他看起来像我吗? Muscular, gorgeous with tousled copper hair.肌肉华丽铜头发蓬乱。 Come on.来吧。 Now tell me you wouldn't contemplate *maybe*… tee hee!!!现在告诉我,你不会考虑*也许* ...发球熙!!! ——> LOOK!!! (BTW – thank you Jane for that very special email featuring this very handsome sports star). - >时装!(顺便说一句-感谢你这很英俊的体育明星的电子邮件是非常特殊的简)。 What a coincidence that you send me a gorgeous copper-haired male, and that evening, I started a book featuring one 什么是巧合,你送我一个华丽的铜头发的男性,那天晚上,我开始了本书特色1 It was meant to be… 它被认为是...
Oh yes.哦,是的。 There will be reading moments of pure, unadulterated glee.将阅读纯粹的,纯粹的高兴的时刻。 Their amazingly fun email interactions, their easy-going banter, sweet moments, insight into how well their personalities match despite their very different needs.令人惊讶的乐趣的电子邮件互动,随和的玩笑,甜蜜的时刻,洞察到他们的个性如何,尽管他们非常不同的需求匹配。 A friendship evolves, regardless of the “elephant in the room”.友谊的发展,无论“在房间里的大象”。
But it can, and will get dark.但它可以,将获得黑暗。 This book DOES deal with some terribly sensitive subject matter.这本书确实有一些非常敏感的题材的交易。 You'll experience uncomfortable moments.你遇到不舒服的时刻。 You'll occasionally be appalled, and even outraged at his “methods”, his harsh tones, and his explanation of who he is and what he expects of those in his entourage.你偶尔会感到震惊,甚至愤怒在他的“方法”,他的恶劣的色调,他的解释,他是谁,他期望一行。 Especially her.尤其是她的。
Don't let that scare you though.不要让,虽然吓你。 Just do yourself a favor, if you're in the mood for that *love-adrenaline* feeling, and an intense, tortured, but unbelievably gorgeous, alpha-male, keep an open mind for this one.只是帮自己一个忙,如果你在你的心情,*爱肾上腺素*感觉,激烈,折磨,但令人难以置信的华丽,α-雄,保持一个开放的心态。 Christian's own torture runs deep.基督徒的自身的酷刑运行深。 It'll keep you on your toes, trying to guess where it's taking you.它会保持在你的脚趾,试图猜测它你。 It is just plain amazing.这只是普通的惊人。 A+.通过A +。 5 stars. 5颗星。 One of my favorites, to be sure.我的最爱之一,以确保万无一失。
This is another case of “just go with it”.这是另一种“只是去用它”。 Don't think too much.不要想太多。 It's just so much fun *feeling* along this dark (and sometimes light) path, with Ana.它只是这么多的乐趣*感*沿着这条黑暗的路径(有时轻),安娜。 The euphoria (lots of it), the worry, the self-reflection, the delicious, addictive angst.欣快(大量的),担心,自我反省,味道鲜美,令人上瘾的焦虑。 The choices.的选择。 Oh yes.哦,是的。 There are always choices. 总有一些选择。 He may be a Dom , but who is really in control here?他可能是一个 DOM,但真的在这里是谁在控制? Right.权利。 Just remember that.只记得。
“Okay, and what do I get out of this?” “好吧,我走出这个?”
He shrugs and looks almost apologetic.他耸耸肩,看起来几乎是道歉。
“Me,” he says simply. “我,”他说,简单。
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