作者:change? 于 2017-3-7--贝壳村
周五在地铁上,恍惚间看到一位学生模样的漂亮白人姑娘婷婷幽幽地闪进来,手里拿着一本厚厚的打开的书,性感的嘴唇像是涂了迷人的毒药正在发作,朦胧眼神似乎正在梦乡里寻觅,她的不可抑制的无边无际的青春恍惚瞬间收走了我的无气无力微不足道的无聊恍惚,不由地地打量起她和她手中厚厚的书,两三步的距离外,可以看出是一本诗集,她时而看看翻开的那一页,眼睛里漾着醉醺醺的不明所以的笑,时而把美丽的眸子洒向车顶的某个地方。。。该下车了,好奇的我终于看到了这本书的名字《The Collected Poems of Octavio Paz》,他写的什么让少女怀春在地铁上私奔到不知何处?

诺贝尔文学奖得主墨西哥人Octavio Paz 是无可竞争的拉丁美洲最重要的诗人。Nobel Laureate Octavio Paz is incontestably Latin America's foremost living poet. The Collected Poems of Octavio Paz is a landmark bilingual gathering of all the poetry he has published in book form since 1952, the year of his premier long poem, Sunstone (Piedra de Sol)―here translated anew by Eliot Weinberger―made its appearance. This is followed by the complete texts of Days and Occasions (Días Hábiles), Homage and Desecrations (Homenaje y Profanaciones), Salamander (Salamandra), Solo for Two Voices (Solo a Dos Voces), East Slope (Ladera Este), Toward the Beginning (Hacza el Comienzo), Blanco, Topoems (Topoemas), Return (Vuelta), A Draft of Shadows (Pasado en Claro), Airborn (Hijos del Aire), and Paz's most recent collection, A Tree Within (Árbol Adentro).
看一首他这本诗集的 Wind, Water, Stone TRANSLATED BY ELIOT WEINBERGER Water hollows stone,
wind scatters water,
stone stops the wind.
Water, wind, stone.
Wind carves stone,
stone's a cup of water,
water escapes and is wind.
Stone, wind, water.
Wind sings in its whirling,
water murmurs going by,
unmoving stone keeps still.
Wind, water, stone.
Each is another and no other:
crossing and vanishing
through their empty names:
water, stone, wind.
Octavio Paz, "Wind, Water, Stone" from The Collected Poems of Octavio Paz, 1957-1987. Copyright © 1979 by Octavio Paz. Reprinted by permission of New Directions Publishing Corporation.
TOUCH My hands Open the curtains of your being Clothe you in a further nudity Uncover the bodies of your body My hands Invent another body for your body
The Street Here is a long and silent street. I walk in blackness and I stumble and fall and rise, and I walk blind, my feet trampling the silent stones and the dry leaves. Someone behind me also tramples, stones, leaves: if I slow down, he slows; if I run, he runs I turn : nobody. Everything dark and doorless, only my steps aware of me, I turning and turning among these corners which lead forever to the street where nobody waits for, nobody follows me, where I pursue a man who stumbles and rises and says when he sees me : nobody.
Male Northern Flicker woodpecker calls and drums to attract a female to the Screech Owl nest box he has claimed as a nest site. He is a gorgeous yellow-shafted variety common to eastern North America with a call similar to a Pileated Woodpecker, but weaker and higher pitched. The call ringing through the forest almost brings to mind the sounds of a tropical jungle. This brown woodpecker flashes bright colors under the wings and tail when it flies. Its ringing calls and short bursts of drumming can be heard in spring almost throughout North America. Two very different-looking forms -- Yellow-shafted Flicker in the east and north, and Red-shafted Flicker in the west -- were once considered separate species.
《大陆漂移〉 纽约很多居民可能并不知道,有一位叫做罗素。班克斯的人曾经多次被选为“纽约州桂冠作家”,这位出身东北工人家庭的作家,曾多年住在拖车里,他的作品得到极高赞誉,被称为“在世最重要的美国白人作家“。

A powerful literary classic from one of contemporary fiction's most acclaimed and important writers, Russell Banks's Continental Drift is a masterful novel of hope lost and gained, and a gripping, indelible story of fragile lives uprooted and transformed by injustice, disappointment, and the seductions and realities of the American dream. Continental Drift is a 1985 novel by Russell Banks. Set in the early 1980s, it follows two plots, through which Banks explores the relationship between apparently distant people drawn together in the world under globalization, which Banks compares to the geologic phenomena of continental drift. The first plot features Bob DuBois, a working class New Englander who heads to Florida in the hopes of striking it rich; the second plot traces the journey of Vanise Dorsinville from Haiti to Florida. It is an avowedly political work, whose stated aim is to "destroy the world as it is." Despite its scope, it is according to critic Michiko Kakutani "somehow, acutely personal."
如果有一本小说,既有文学的细腻, 又具备社会学研究的深刻,对於人性与社会性的瞭解都能满足读者, 那麼就是班克斯的《大陆漂移》。 各界好评 当今传承优良传统的小说家当中,就属罗素.班克斯最为卓越。 ──强纳森.法兰岑Jonathan Franzen 罗素.班克斯以魄力和勇气来处理这种吃力的硬题材,生花妙笔带领我们进入黑暗世界中的黑暗面。五颗星。 ──玛格丽特.艾特伍德Margaret Atwood 没有哪个作家对美国描述比他更让我信服──他忠实地勾勒出美国所背负的重担、需求和丑陋不堪的一面。 ──麦可.翁达杰Michael Ondaatje 罗素.班克斯de力作注定成为所属时代小说的典范。 ──纽约时报书评 罗素.班克斯是深具爆发力的杰出作家。