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Book Review

Chen Jinsong: “The Bell that Forever Rings”——on Zheng Yi’s “The Demise of China”. (Original Language Version: Chinese. English translation by google at the end)















在本文結束的时候,中國的沙塵暴,北方的大旱,三峡大壩裂縫,國內城市水危機,等等坏消息,又紛至沓来。顯然,中華民族正遭受報應,遭受大自然的瘋狂報應。這一切,貼切地應驗着鄭義的醒世恒言。多 希望,每一個關心中國之命运的人,都能仔细一讀鄭義的《中國之毀滅》。多 希望,有朝一日,鄭義的《中國之毀滅》,能夠入選中國的中小學課本,傳告後人:銘記前車之鑒。

作者簡介:陳勁松(陳破空 Po Kongchen),旅美中國作家、政治評論家、資深民運人士。著述涉政治、經濟、文學等領域。政論著作,包括《中南海厚黑學》、《假如中美開戰》、《關於中國的一百個常識》、《全世界都不了解中國人》、《不受歡迎的中國人》、《川普對決習近平》、《紅色紙老虎內幕》等。另有小說《颱風》、詩集《緋聞》等多種著作。政見與政論主要發表在「自由亞洲電台」、香港開放雜誌等。經常出場的電視或電台評論與訪談節目,包括:美國之音,自由亞洲電台,新唐人電視台,台灣三立電視台新台灣加油,洛杉磯1300,陳破空縱論天下等。2007年獲美國「萬人傑」新聞文化獎。現居美國紐約。

Chen Jinsong: “The Bell that Forever Rings”——on Zheng Yi’s “The Demise of China”

Regarding China, and China's future, there are various prophecies, or assertions, especially the prophecies and assertions about the Chinese crisis, which seem to be too much and numb. Or, in the face of all kinds of grotesque, it’s not strange, just turn a blind eye. People are realistic, only believe in reality, only believe in the reality around them, and have microscopic reality with their own pain. As for the macro, I don’t care so much. There are many alarms and no direct consequences. I don’t believe it. The so-called "do not see the coffin does not tears."

The sensational effect has long since disappeared, and the prophecies for various predictions are familiar to the author and I don’t think it’s amazing.

However, the famous author Zheng Yi’s new book, The Destruction of China, still gives the author a shock. Read it again on the first reading.

This is a great book. The Great Wall, built with more than 500,000 words, is ridiculous and painstaking. Starting from China's severe ecological crisis, the author once again revealed China's serious social crisis, indicating that the country is facing a collapse, and the nation is facing the ruthless fate of destruction. This is a classic, so comprehensive, lively and profound interpretation of China's ecological crisis and social crisis.

comprehensive. The content covers the raging of forests, so that the forests are almost disappearing, and the desertification of the country is up to 1/3. The crazy human activities lead to serious soil erosion, the loss of land area is as high as 1/3, and geological disasters are frequent; Leading to a sharp decline in cultivated land and population overload; the heavy pollution of water resources and the accelerated depletion of water resources, as far as "Chinese people will drink without water", Beijing is waterless, facing the shackles of capital; low-efficiency and high-cost production, resulting in Exploitation of mineral resources; garbage siege, air pollution, and even frequent climate disasters; as well as species extinction, severe marine pollution, sudden death in the sea;

full and accurate. All the elaborations, the authors give detailed evidence, supplemented by a large amount of real data, logical and rigorous. Most of the data, even in the official statistics, has been summarized and summarized by the author. The over 500,000-word masterpiece can be said to be an encyclopedia about China's ecological situation.

vivid. Although rigorous and serious, it is by no means a boring preaching, all kinds of real stories that have been heard or unheard of, and are presented in large numbers under the author's magical pen, full of vivid legends. For example, in introducing the 1975 dam event in the world's largest reservoir group in Henan Province, China, the author quoted the survivors and villagers Wei Dongshan's recollection:

The water washed away the graveyard and rushed out of the coffin in the tomb. I lived with a coffin board. The head of the flood is a few feet high. I floated on the head of the water and looked at the scenery in front. People were like standing on a cliff. I remember that the big water rushed through a treetop, and there was a small courtyard under the treetop. I clearly saw that there was still a light in the room. There was a little Nizi who shouted that Grandma was running into the house. There was no such thing as a "bang"...

profound. While carefully listing the Chinese ecological crisis, the author did not just stay on the data or appearance, but dig deep into the root cause of the ecological collapse of China: institutional damage. Under the public ownership, the people are deprived of their ownership of the land. No one regards the country as their own and cherishes it; the decision-making power of major projects is profitable, away from science and democracy; the legal system is unclear and the justice is unfair, making the ecology or species unreachable. Strong legal shelter...

What is meaningful is that when many people are proud of and enchanted by China’s seemingly fascinating achievements (such as high-rise buildings, highways, international airports, grand bridges, century dams, etc.), Zheng Righteousness pointed out sharply: it is the needs of vested interests, leading to the blind project of such huge projects as the Three Gorges Dam.

The official apologists are always so ridiculous of those who dare to speak up and say "singing bad China": you are just asking questions, just blaming, but there is no solution to the problem.

If you use this tone to blame Zheng Yi and his book "The Destruction of China," then it is a big mistake.

While pointing out the root causes of the crisis, the author has already stated the fundamental way to solve the problem: changing the current system. Privatization, democratization, and legalization will save the precarious Chinese ecology. It is a pity that the author believes that even if it is possible, it will be a long process.

The author feels that over the past 50 years, China’s ecology has been completely destroyed. “I’m afraid that all possible salvation is too late.” The author asserts: “(The future) any Chinese government is hard to destroy in this kind of creativity. Reorganize the society and rebuild the homeland." "A brilliant civilization that has experienced thousands of years of wind and frost has been looted."

Zheng Yi, who was first known, was the author's high school era. He saw the movie "Maple" adapted from his novel. In the age of lacking real life, for me, "Maple" is almost the first one with life power. The work was followed by the film "Old Well", also adapted from Zheng Yi's novels, in the late 1980s. It was a sensation in the country, and it was famous for its international reputation.

A rare temper. As a writer, Zheng Yi is a rare writer with a sense of independent dignity and sense of justice. As a democracy warrior, it is a rare member of the general knowledge bureau, belonging to a few "solidarity factions"; as a exile, It is to worry about the country and the people, and to work hard. "Although it is not regrettable," it will eventually become a fruitful builder. To this end, it is widely respected inside and outside the circle. The author is deeply stunned, and writes this text in a busy way to express his high respect for the writer Zheng Yi.

At the end of the article, China’s sandstorms, the drought in the north, the cracks in the Three Gorges Dam, the domestic urban water crisis, and so on, are all coming. Obviously, the Chinese nation is suffering from retribution and suffering from the frantic retribution of nature. All of this, aptly fulfilled Zheng Yi’s awakening. I hope that everyone who cares about the fate of China can carefully read Zheng Yi’s "The Destruction of China." I hope that one day, Zheng Yi’s "The Destruction of China" will be able to be selected into Chinese primary and secondary school textbooks and tell the posterity: remember the lessons of the past.

April 2002
About the Author:
Chinese writers, political commentators, and senior pro-democracy activists. Writing in the fields of politics, economy, literature and so on. Political works, including "Zhongnanhai Thick Black", "If China and the United States Fight", "One hundred common sense about China", "The world does not understand Chinese", "Unwelcome Chinese", "Champ "Development near Ping", "Red Paper Tiger Insider" and so on. There are also a variety of works such as the novel "Typhoon" and the poetry collection "Gossip". Political views and political views are mainly published in "Free Asia Radio" and Hong Kong Open Magazine. Frequent TV or radio commentary and talk shows, including: Voice of America, Radio Free Asia, NTDTV, Taiwan's Sanli TV station, Taiwan, 1300, Chen Broken, and the world. In 2007, he won the US “Millions” News Culture Award. Currently living in New York, USA.

Image may contain: Pokong Chen, standing


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